Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Treasure

There is a competition going on for the treasure inside you. When God formed us, He instilled or invested a treasure in each and every one of us. That treasure is not for us to store up and horde for ourselves. It is to be used to help the kingdom of God grow.

There is a competition for that treasure inside of you. Who is winning the battle? Are you keeping your gift just to yourself? Are you afraid to share because someone may take your place or prove you not necessary? Are you avoiding the use of your gift so that you can fit in and not stick out among your peers? If any of this sounds familiar, the right side may not winning.

With the gift that God has given you, no one can do it like you. Yes there may be other people doing what you are but you have something unique to bring to the table but you will never know what it is if you don't use your gift. No one else's gift will take your place. God made you and your gift and it is needed. There are people hurting, hungering, needing the voice that you have, needing you to use what God has given you.

Step out and be what God has called you to be. It may not be anything more than you saying yes to God. Stepping out doesn't mean that you are going to instantly be on blast. By stepping out and becoming a yielded vessel, you give God room to move and make you. You will come out of your comfort zone for sure but if you move in God, you will be out of your comfort zone but not from under your covering.

Which side is winning the battle for your treasure?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is your song?

Psalms 118:14 “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.”

What is the song in your heart? What is it that you allow to give you strength? Look at the fruits of the things around you. Are you singing a song of despair and destitution? How about a song of fear and anger? Is your day consumed with bickering and hateful sayings? Are you a gray cloud over someone else’s day? What are the reactions of people when you cross paths? Do they readily greet you with a smile or quickly avert their eyes and are suddenly busy with concentrating on putting one foot in front of another?

We can quickly gauge what our attitude says about us by observing how friends, family and co-workers respond to us. Are you constantly in disagreement with others? Why is that? When you meet someone are they ready to engage in conversation with you or are they looking for the nearest exit?

These things can help you find out what your true song is. We can say that the Lord is our song but is it true in action? If you are singing a song of sadness and defeat, you will always reap this in your life. Instead, change the channel. Sing a song of gladness. Sing a song full of God’s goodness and grace. Sing a song of love and forgiveness and watch how your tree of relationships blooms new blossoms with friends you didn’t know you had and restored lines of communications.

It is a joy to speak with a man of a glad heart but agony to stand in the midst of one full of turmoil and strife.

Be a welcome place for others. Sing a glad song in your heart and let your life be one of a shining example of God’s love and grace.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daily Diet

What is it that you are feeding off of? What do you use to nourish yourself? Brain food, junk food or soul food?

Which of these are we feeding off of most often?

Brain food – Knowledge and the pursuit of that knowledge. Knowledge in and of itself is not bad but do we use that knowledge to ‘explain God’. Do we use that knowledge to analyze His word or instruction to the point of inactivity, using more time examining than doing? Is that pursuit of knowledge drowning out the voice of God? Proverbs 3:5 ASV ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’.

Junk food –Spiritually, mentally and physically junk food tastes and feels good but does you no good. Spiritually, are we spending time just doing the things that feel good but spending no real time actually nourishing our soul? Are we only spending time just listening to the music or the Word but never taking the time to really digest it, to put it to use in our lives? Spending time reading and meditating on His word, spending time in His presence, praying, waiting and listening for His voice.

Soul food –are we really seeking God’s soul food? Food that nourishes the soul and fosters true growth. Fasting and prayer, reading and meditating, growing in love and patience.

What is my spiritual diet? What do I feed my soul on a daily basis? To come to a place of spiritual health, we have to spend time and devote ourselves to the Maker’s Diet – 66 books, 365 days, 1 Lord, 1 Savior.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Today is the day we celebrate our independence as a nation but why not also take this day to celebrate your own independence?

As children of God, we are no longer slaves to sin.  We are no longer held captive by the desires of our flesh and tempted by evil things.  We are children of the most high God and we are free to do His will and pursue His calling on our lives.

My brother asked a question last night, do you know when you were saved?  Do you know the exact date?  I didn't at the time.  I remember the day itself and I remember what happened and I know that even though after that date I made some mistakes and made some wrong turns and even fell out of fellowship with God but I was still saved.  Please understand that being saved does not mean that you don't make mistakes or you don't sin.  We sin everyday.  Sins of omission (not doing something that you should do or a command of God) sins in thought (thinking unclean things, even thinking negative or spiteful things about others.  Yes even that fleeting thought counts), the list could go on and on.  Sin is not just the big things such as murder, theft or adultery.  The size doesn't matter sin is sin.  So, being saved doesn't make you exempt or perfect, it makes you a son.  A forgiven, loved child of God.  So since being saved means so much, why not take the time to think back and remember that day you got saved.  Once you have that date, celebrate it as your Independence Day.  Celebrate every day that you are no longer in the darkness but walking in light but just like you appreciate every day but have a special celebration on your birthday, do the same with the day you got saved.  Until you get that date, how about celebrating today?

Happy Independence Day to you and may you have good success in everything that you strive to do for the kingdom of God!