Friday, January 9, 2015

Celebrating your "born" day

Every day we have the opportunity to make a decision to be better and positively affect people's lives.  Our birthdays, or born days, as some people call them, provide a unique opportunity to reflect on our life to that point.  The things we have accomplished, the goals we still have to achieve.  Our successes, failures, and opportunities.  The pitfalls and the times we rose above it all.  Our born day also reminds us that it was on this day that the Lord saw fit to present us to the world so we could make a change to make it a better place.

This born day, I am tremendously thankful for the chances I have been given to better myself and hopefully be a positive impact in someone else's life.  From this day, I will strive to be that person that can brighten someone's day with a kind word.  I will work to be a better me so that I can be a better wife, sister, cousin, aunt, person to those around me.  I will start each day focused on the positives of life, recognizing that each day is a gift and should be celebrated with the joy and happiness that some of us only wait until our birthdays to express.

As you approach your next born day, don't wait for that day to celebrate your life and make commitments for the next year.  Instead, live each day for the gift it truly is.  Spend each day striving to be a better person, not for the accolades or recognition of those around you but for the positive seed it plants in someone else's life.

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