I claim victory over every bad situation
This is a status a friend of mine's put on Facebook. At first I read it, liked it and moved on but five minutes later I found myself still thinking about it. Allow me a moment to share my thought process with you on this and I pray that this statement will bless you as much as it is blessing me.
I claim victory over every bad situation. This statement packs a punch each time you say it. Looking at the word claim, Dictionary.com defines it as to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: to assert and demand the recognition of (a right, title, possession, etc); assert one's right to: to assert or maintain as fact; to require as due or fitting. To claim something requires a certain mindset, a certain determination, a belief that you are right and entitled to what you are stating. You cannot claim something unless you have a conqueror's mindset and sense of entitlement. If you try to claim something without fully believing and walking in the fact that you are entitled to it, you are wishing. Now if we substitute wish in this statement - I wish victory over every bad situation - You are already defeated. A wish never has to be granted but a demand or a claim must be respected.
Now, if we look at the word Victory, I am sure there are people that can already feel excitement rising. When we think of the things that we have been delivered from and are now victorious over, it takes a whole lot to keep your composure. Looking again to trusty Dictionary.com, victory is defined as a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war (we'll keep moving because that could be a praise break right there!), the ultimate and decisive superiority in any battle or contest. So if we look at victory, this isn't something that happens accidentally or by chance. You make a decision that you will not be denied and you go get it, by any means necessary. You take on a David mindset and any giant that stands in your path has to fall because you are empowered by the most high God and you will not be denied.
Now moving on, we will combine over and every. There might be a question as to why but just follow with me. Over, not under. Head and not the tail. Above and not beneath. More than conquerors. Who does that describe? It describes the children of God. It describes you and me. He has made us more than conquerors and there is no enemy that can defeat us, there is no weapon that has been or will be formed that can defeat us. We have the heart of the Almighty and He hears our every cry, even our smallest whisper. Bringing us to every. There is not one single thing that can defeat us as children of God if we hold on to the promise of God. Claim your victory in Him and walk upright knowing that we are His children and He is our God and there is no other. If you choose to trust in your own strength and understanding, you are allowing room for the enemy to move in and destroy you. Lean not unto your own understanding.
Bad situation, we've all had these. Some are not as bad as others. Some may even be able to be classified as uncomfortable or trying or even bothersome but maybe not necessarily bad but we have all been through things that have tried our faith or confidence. For everything that comes against you, your family, your faith in God, know that there is no weapon formed against you that can prosper. Whenever one door closes, another opens. No matter how hard it gets, look for the other side. I know it is not easy and I don't always remember to do that but when I do finally get myself together and remember who I am and whose I am, I can look back and see how God moved things and made things better for me on my behalf even when I felt the sun had stopped shining and the world had passed me by.
So, I invite and encourage you to stand up in your rightful place knowing Who you belong to and Who has called you to good success and who has every good thing for you. Claim victory over every bad situation right now. Don't hold anything back. God is only waiting for you to acknowledge Him and ask. State your claim with the authority as a child of the Most High God. He has given you every right to do so.
Thank you April for your transparency and encouragement....
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