Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Today is the day we celebrate our independence as a nation but why not also take this day to celebrate your own independence?

As children of God, we are no longer slaves to sin.  We are no longer held captive by the desires of our flesh and tempted by evil things.  We are children of the most high God and we are free to do His will and pursue His calling on our lives.

My brother asked a question last night, do you know when you were saved?  Do you know the exact date?  I didn't at the time.  I remember the day itself and I remember what happened and I know that even though after that date I made some mistakes and made some wrong turns and even fell out of fellowship with God but I was still saved.  Please understand that being saved does not mean that you don't make mistakes or you don't sin.  We sin everyday.  Sins of omission (not doing something that you should do or a command of God) sins in thought (thinking unclean things, even thinking negative or spiteful things about others.  Yes even that fleeting thought counts), the list could go on and on.  Sin is not just the big things such as murder, theft or adultery.  The size doesn't matter sin is sin.  So, being saved doesn't make you exempt or perfect, it makes you a son.  A forgiven, loved child of God.  So since being saved means so much, why not take the time to think back and remember that day you got saved.  Once you have that date, celebrate it as your Independence Day.  Celebrate every day that you are no longer in the darkness but walking in light but just like you appreciate every day but have a special celebration on your birthday, do the same with the day you got saved.  Until you get that date, how about celebrating today?

Happy Independence Day to you and may you have good success in everything that you strive to do for the kingdom of God!  

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