Sunday, May 31, 2009

What is YOUR Story?

I have been following the NBA playoffs and I find tonight's outcome of the Orlando/Cleveland game quite inspiring.  Now some people might say that I think this because I must obviously be an Orlando fan.  Well, I am but that is not what I mean.  Let me Mindspeak about it and elaborate what insight I gained from this.

During the playoffs, there have been many commercials and conversations concerning the show down of Lebron and Kobe, two phenomenal players indeed.  Commercials have depicted LeBron and Kobe together and they were really working to program people as to what they should expect to see in the finals.  I must admit that even my husband and I discussed the playoffs early on and I talked about how it would be LeBron and Kobe and how interesting it would be to watch.  I have heard many people talk this way.  Talking about how the final would be set up before the first round was played out.  But what I find interesting is that no matter how much people thought they knew what the outcome would be, the Orlando Magic knew that their story had not been completed.

They knew that no matter what people said or wrote, their story was yet to be told.  They didn't give up on what could be a great triumph and achievement all because of what people said about them.  They chose to believe in what they knew about themselves.  They understood that the words they speak to themselves are more powerful than words from anyone else.  People can say and do any and every thing and we all have a thought or opinion on things.  Opinions are like air, they are always floating around.  But Orlando was not swayed or defined by what other people thought or said about them.

That encourages me because I know that no matter what has been said to me or about me, my story isn't over.  People may tell  you that you will never be this or you can't achieve beyond a certain level and they can say whatever they like but it is not a part of your story unless you choose to let it be.  You are the author of your story.  You are the editor of the novel of you.  You are the editor and publisher and you have the final say in what your story will be.  

I think we all can and should take a key point out of the example from the Orlando Magic.  Your story is never over until you say so.  People can think and even be bold enough to say all kinds of things to you and about you but until you choose to believe it, it doesn't have to have any effect on your life.  Your story is never over until you say so.

Choose to take an active role and write your own story and don't let others write it for you.  Don't be a contributing author to your story, be the author.  Write your success because you are what you say you are and God created us all to be victors and over-comers.

What will you choose to have your story say about you?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Be truly happy!

For people that know me, the next statement is not going to be something that takes you by surprise. For quite a while now, I have been hoping to be a mother. I have been waiting and waiting for children and sometimes it has gotten hard, very hard. It is something that both my husband and I want and we have prayed together, sat up late nights, talked to friends, everything. We've even had a few times when we thought we were pregnant only to receive contrary news from the doctor. Those have been some pretty hard times but my personal hardest times would come on Mother's day. 

For the past 3 Mother's Days, I have opted to stay home where I can just be to myself because it has honestly been painful to be out on that day, constantly confronted with the fact that it had been another whole year, 365 days, 12 months, countless hours and we were still not parents. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom and we would all have dinner together and she would get presents from us. That would all happen later in the day and in the safety of family that knew the deal and it was never a discussion. This year though, God put it on my heart that its not even about the pain or hurt that I am feeling, its all about Him and His glory. God gave me an opportunity to realize that I could step outside of myself and see things how they are. Yes, I have a desire but yes He will fill that in His perfect time so until that time, be an example and a willing and yielded vessel that God can use. So, I made up my mind (with a little higher power help!) that I would go to church on Mother's Day. 

As I was on my way to church, God gave me a desire to give cards to our friends who were mothers. I have to admit, He comes up with some good ideas! So off to the store I went and my husband and I gave out a few cards to some of the mothers that we know. Don't you know that when I stopped focusing on what I was feeling, God enabled me to be a blessing to someone else.  It seems that people really liked the cards. Isn't that something! That truly made us feel good that we could help someone else feel good. 

After all that God showed me this scripture, Colossians 1:11 (cev) 'His glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy.' I can say that I am truly happy. I have a wonderful husband that keeps life fun, wonderful family all around and sitting in church Sunday I realized that I have been really really blessed because we have two beautiful God children and we love them dearly! Our god-daughter walked up to me Sunday and gave me a giant hug! It was priceless! 

For those of us who are going through things, just know that when you are God's child, He has your back. It may not seem like it or feel like it or look like it but He does. He has proven this to me in many different areas of my life and now He has given me yet another weapon to use when the enemy tries to tell me otherwise, Colossians 1:11. Be truly happy!