Thursday, March 5, 2015

You Gotta Own It

Hubby helped me realize something today. You gotta own it.

If you have a desire, request, or hope from God for a promise He has given you and you have faith that you will receive His promise, you gotta own it. You have to step up and face whatever fears you have about what might be, what could happen, or the things that could go wrong.  

Step up to the plate, face your fears head on like a major league player in the batters box.  The next time the enemy throws you a curve ball, such as fear of what might happen or worrying, turn and face that fear. When the enemy throws those things at you, focus on them with laser-like precision and swing with everything you've got believing God at His word, swing and drive those fears out and away from you, your family. your hopes and your promises from God. What God has for you is for you, but you gotta step up and own it.  

Thank you to my husband and my big brother for the insight and patience.