Saturday, April 25, 2009
Comic book only or is there more to it?
The ‘Mind Reader” is an example of Discernment and Empathy. When you can look at something and see it not only for what it is but for what is lying underneath. When you truly tune in to what someone is feeling and going through and minister to them in a way that brings healing and wholeness and a new breath that revives and restores them and enables them to be able to help someone else to gain healing. You minister in a way that helps people know that you care and are not just present in the moment but sharing your heart with them.
The ‘Regenerator’ is an example of Faith. Knowing that no matter how I put myself out there for God, He has my back, for there is no weapon formed against me that will prosper Isaiah 54:17. God has placed His shield around me and although it may not be pretty right now, I will emerge as one beautified. I am made beautiful as I follow His direction and will.
The ‘Time Traveler’ is an example of a Prophet. A prophet receives from God a word and shares it with others with the authority and command of God. This can be something that is going to happen or a greater revelation of why something has already happened. A prophet speaks to people not only in their current position but speaks a word of exhortation to bring encouragement and peace to others. A prophet hears directly from God and God's word is always a rhema word, a perfect word for the situation.
These ‘Superheroes’ are really evangelists if you think about it. Evangelism is spreading the word of God. You are teaching to others that they may in turn take it to more people, the power of multiplicity. Evangelism gives the Word of God the ability to take flight to others. It reaches far beyond you and the number of people that you can touch just yourself just in the area you are. Matthew 10:16 - 17 ESV "but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And proclaim as you go, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Jesus said this to His disciples but it also rings true for us. We are to spread the Word of God and not hold it to ourselves. When we do not share the Word of God or act as if we are ashamed or embarrassed to be children of God, we are denying Him. Matthew 10:33, ESV "but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."
We are all called to be disciples. We are all called to teach and be examples of God's love and grace. We are His living, breathing and walking examples and we must represent Him fully because as it has been said, we may very well be the only bible that some people ever read.
Know that as a child of God, you are constantly being watched and this is not a bad thing. Let those that watch you see an example of God. Let your life be a catalyst for change in someone else's life for if you are not inspiring change or growth in someone else you are truly missing the boat. Matthew 5:13, MSG "Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you loose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage."
Don't end up in the garbage pail of life. Be who God has called you to be and inspire change, growth and a desire for a relationship with God in others.
Be a God-Hero, that is what He has already created you to be.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Out of my pain flows a beauty this world has never seen
Out of my pain grows an appreciation for those different from me
Out of my pain my eyes are opened wide to see the hurts of others
Out of my pain my heart is made tender to love and to nurture
Out of my pain I learn more about me
Out of my pain I understand more about you.
What is in my pain?
What is the anatomy of my pain?
My pain is hurt from feelings trampled under foot
But I begin to understand that same foot has walked a lonely path
My pain is from tears cried over words spoken from those who seemed not to care
But as I listen I hear their pain from days, weeks, months and years of being locked in despair
My pain is from dreams shattered from negative criticism
But now I realize that criticism stems from a shattered vessel broken by too many put downs and too much shame
What does your pain bring?
What does your pain allow you to see?
Just as our giftings are not just for us but for others to benefit
Our pain is to be a lesson to love others more than ourselves.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The cost of obedience
Why is it that we try to get around the things that God instructs us to do? Is it because of fear of rejection? Could it be that maybe we are not confident within ourselves that we truly know the voice of God?
Why do we put the cost of our obedience so high?
What was the real cost paid for obedience? Mark 14:34 – 36 tells us the cost that was paid for obedience. Jesus knew why He had been sent, what His purpose was and He was obedient to the point of His death. Verse 34 shows the intense emotion that Jesus felt, (NASB) ‘My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death…’ even in that state, He did not stray from the will of God. Verse 36 shows that the thought crossed his mind but He followed it by saying, ‘yet not what I will, but what you will’. How many times are we presented with a difficult task and we just do our will? We don’t even acknowledge the fact that we are taking our own path. We figure God understands, that was too much for me anyway.
Think of what and where we would be if Jesus had decided the cost of His obedience was too much. The cost of His obedience was the cross. The cost of our individual acts of obedience may be discomfort or possible rejection but do you know the payoff? A soul may come to know Christ. A life may be saved. Will you be the one to say, ‘Yes Lord, Your will be done in my life. Use me as an example. Use me as Your hands, Your touch, and Your voice to someone who cannot hear You right now?’
Is the price we pay to be obedient higher than the ultimate price that Jesus paid?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Chasing after God, what does it really mean?
As I sit and ponder this question, it stirs something deep within my heart. Could this be that just thinking of what it means to chase after God awakens a part of us that no man, thing or action can touch? The desire that He put within us when He created us that only He can touch, the void that only He can fill, the thirst that only He can quench, that hunger that only He can satisfy.
There are many things that we do to try to fill these things outside of God and His design. Oftentimes it isn’t even intentional. Think of people around you who truly love God. You can see it in their actions, in the way they carry themselves and treat others. There are people that truly love God and want to do His will and be that Godly example in the world but still end up searching for something. That next high, no it doesn’t mean drugs or alcohol but people get ‘high’ off of a variety of things. Shopping, writing, drawing, eating, exercising, surfing the net, reading a book, chatting online, none of these things are bad in and of themselves but what if we are using these to try to fill something that only God can fill?
How often do I feel that hunger and grab a good book instead or find something to fix or make something just right? I can honestly say that I am a perfectionist and there is a rush you get when something is done just right or something comes out just the way you planned it but you know what, only God is perfect. In being a perfectionist, it is just like running on a treadmill. No matter how fast or hard you run, you are not going anywhere. That is what happens when you strive to make everything perfect. There is nothing wrong with working things in a spirit of excellence or pushing to be the best at what you do but perfection is only perfection in your eyes. No one else can meet your standards of perfection. But when you are a perfectionist and that plan comes out just the way you planned it or this or that happens, you get a little rush. Are you replacing God with a search for that rush? What would happen if you didn’t focus that time and attention on that one detail but turned it instead towards understanding God’s voice? What if instead of shopping for 3 hours, you spent 30 minutes in God’s word understanding more what is written and how it affects you?
What does it mean when we chase after God? To me, it reminds of what was said in Phillipians 3: 13 and 14. In my own understanding, what I take away from that is, I am not saying I am perfect or that I have made it but what I do know is that I lay aside and forget all of the past things and focus on God. I press and move and fight towards His example.
Is that what chasing God is? Leaving all the other stuff by the wayside, forgetting what your spouse said that irritated you, forgetting the ones that said you would never amount to anything, forgetting that best friend that betrayed your trust and focusing on God and all that He did and does for you. Focusing on the blessings that He gives on a daily basis that many of us take for granted. Focusing on truly listening for and to His voice. Understanding that in God’s eyes, obedience is greater than sacrifice and that in order to please Him, we must obey Him. Our sacrifice, no matter what it may be, is nothing without obedience to His word.
How do I chase after Him? By desiring and seeking to know Him. By reading and learning and meditating on His word to seek and understand His plan for my life and how He uses me to help others to know Him.
GodChaser? I can get with that.